Not big on small talk, but I am conversational, congenial, respectful, good listener, solution oriented, dependable.
Part time Apprentice Plumber at 16, learned how to sweat copper and crawl under floors, find leaks and help identify issues in water, waste and venting pipes. I also learned that I couldn’t do this line of work every single day of my life.
Left college, joined Union as an apprentice concrete form builder.
In my mid 20’s I exited the union to be a builder/renovator.
By 30 yrs old I added a little sheet metal fabrication: gutters, chimney caps and surrounds and bay hoods.
In this period I had two small successful start up businesses that were operating simultaneously in the background.
In my late 30’s I found my love for the finish work, the tile, stone, steel and trim, the details…, the work performed on top of all the framing and wallboard I installed. It’s like the buildup to any visual art. Every step was critical moving toward the finish in mind. I began to look at it as sculpting. That perspective is with me every day
After the turn of the century, 2000 I lead a crew of highly skilled journeymen in renovating buildings in San Francisco for an equity group. I lead the crew by example. With my smart phone in my pouch, handling over 70 inbound and outbound calls a day, I dealt with takeoffs from architectural plans and structural plans, establising budgets, ordering materials, bidding out all subcontractor work, dealing with the building department and the department of Public Works while working on multimillion dollar projects and always at or below budget. Typically arriving at work at 6:00am and leaving around 7:00pm to avoid traffic I rarely saw the light of day and the beauty that surrounds my creekside humble abode. So, I decided to gracefully walk away from those exciting times and just work north of the Golden Gate Bridge and keep it relatively local.
Its been interesting to say the least.
W-2 on an hourly or salary basis
Part of a team or crew or trio making something happen, fab/install and finishing good work.
Manage Project on site for Builder or Architect with my bags on
Assist with real Working Budget
Bid out subcontractors
Work with Architect directly
Work with Project Engineers
Work with Building Department directly
Hire Journeymen to assist in build
Lead crew
Fall Back and plan, fill gaps
Defining expectations
Assessing the steps required to meet needs
Drawing up a game plan to follow
Assist in getting a permit
Assist with connecting principals with contractors
Assist with bidding and Budgeting
Intermediary between principals and all agencies, Architects and Engineers
The Little Things in Life
* Put in a new window
* Install new Entry Door
* Repair some Dry Rot
* Fix a Plumbing Leak
Change a plug
Fix a Roof Leak
Etc., etc., etc.